Marine Species

Study Of Seaweeds Sub Species And Their Applications.

Seaweeds are macroalgae found along coastlines worldwide, classified into brown, red, and green algae. They serve as a foundation of aquatic food chains and are rich in nutrients like proteins, lipids, and vitamins. Seaweeds offer…

Mapping Snapping Shrimp Noise In The Indian Ocean Region: Impact On Sonar.

The Project discusses the impact of snapping shrimp on sonar systems in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Snapping shrimp are a major source of high-frequency noise in the ocean and their activities and habitation in shallow waters…

Identification of the Noise Hotspots For Marine Mammals In The Indian Ocean Region.

This research project aims at identifying noise hotspots and areas of potential conflicts with vulnerable marine mammals’ habitats in the Indian Ocean Region. The global aim of this project is to gather baseline knowledge of noise-producing…

Basics of Climate Risks

This research note provides a comprehensive overview of the basics of climate risks, emphasizing the urgency of understanding, addressing, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The introduction contextualizes Earth’s climatic history, highlighting…

Area, Production And Yield Analysis For Shrimp And Seaweed Farming

The goal of the study is to conduct Area, Production, and Yield (APY) analysis, in a way never done before, and bring out the uniqueness of the study. The findings brought out the key stakeholders of the Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) framework.  Assisting these stakeholders, namely science and…