Blue Economy

APY Analysis For Shrimp Farming

India has a long coastline which offers it with immense opportunities to harvest aqua resources. In India aquaculture has grown in the last few decades at a high growth rate. Before the 1970s fishermen used to harvest only marine fishes…

Proposing A Blue Bond Initiative For The Underwater Domain Awareness Framework.

The research note highlights the need for alternate and innovative financing mechanisms to fund the transition towards a Blue Economy. It outlines the link between sustainability and blue bonds, suggesting the need for both private and public investments to…

Area, Production And Yield Analysis For Shrimp And Seaweed Farming

The goal of the study is to conduct Area, Production, and Yield (APY) analysis, in a way never done before, and bring out the uniqueness of the study. The findings brought out the key stakeholders of the Underwater Domain Awareness (UDA) framework.  Assisting these stakeholders, namely science and…