Science and Technology

Backend Deployment Of User Interface For Passive Sonar Simulator.

The given text is about the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and its role in modern computing. It explains how GUIs use icons and visual representations to display information and user controls, making computer operation…

APY Analysis Web Tool For Seaweed Cultivation.

The article discusses the significant potential of seaweed cultivation in Indian mariculture, emphasizing its nutritional richness and industrial applications. It highlights existing seaweed industries and the proposal…

A Machine Learning Model For Estimating Shipping Noise In India Ocean Region.

This article discusses the importance of managing underwater radiated noise (URN) generated by commercial ships, which can have negative impacts on marine species that rely on sound for navigation, communication, and survival…

URN Management And The Larger Framework.

This paper attempts to address the gaps in policy and associated know how with regards to URN Management, suggesting technical, operational and policy interventions that can aid in management of underwater radiated noise. It also considers existing and new vessels separately and stresses on the need for capacity…

Passive Sonar Simulator Vulnerability Assessment

The rise in awareness and interest of marine resources and resulting tensions has created the need for security and assessment of deploying a ship in a region. Vulnerability assessment is the study of how vulnerable one’s ship…

AIS Data Profiling For Error Analysis In Indian Ocean Region (IOR)

The Project discusses the importance of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) in enhancing safety and efficiency in maritime navigation. It highlights the potential negative impact of fast mandatory implementation of AIS without adequate research on its use, citing examples of AIS-assisted collisions. The need for specific dominant…

Shipping Radiated Noise Estimation Using AI.

This research note highlights commercial ships are the major source of underwater radiated noise, which is generated because of interaction between hull, water and propeller cavitation that lies in the low-frequency range. It states that various…

Mapping Snapping Shrimp Noise In The Indian Ocean Region: Impact On Sonar.

The Project discusses the impact of snapping shrimp on sonar systems in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Snapping shrimp are a major source of high-frequency noise in the ocean and their activities and habitation in shallow waters…

Low Frequency Shipping Ambient Noise Mapping For Passive Sonar Simulator.

The research note talks about an ingenious Passive Sonar Simulator (PSS) that the authors aim to develop using real time data inputs will be a critical tool for fulfilling our audacious objectives. The research note suggests that the complex tropical littoral waters of the Indian Ocean Region provide us with challenges to…

AUV Design And Development To Validate Low Ambient Frquency Noise.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are self-propelled, unmanned underwater vehicles that can perform tasks with little or no human supervision. They are used for ocean-based research, such as mapping the seafloor, studying ocean properties, and measuring ambient noise…