Author: admin.mrc

Sediment Management For The Brahmaputra River.

This research note highlights the existing issues related to the sedimentation problem in one of the largest rivers in India, i.e. the Brahmaputra River. It draws attention to various issues related to the river and how the gaps in the existing policies…

Identification of the Noise Hotspots For Marine Mammals In The Indian Ocean Region.

This research project aims at identifying noise hotspots and areas of potential conflicts with vulnerable marine mammals’ habitats in the Indian Ocean Region. The global aim of this project is to gather baseline knowledge of noise-producing…

Basics of Climate Risks

This research note provides a comprehensive overview of the basics of climate risks, emphasizing the urgency of understanding, addressing, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. The introduction contextualizes Earth’s climatic history, highlighting…

Analysis of Underwater Radiated Noise Based On Vessel Hull Vibrations.

This article discusses the issue of ocean pollution, specifically the impact of increased ambient noise on marine life, caused by anthropogenic (human-induced) sources such as maritime shipping and seismic exploration by the oil/gas industry…

Proposing A Blue Bond Initiative For The Underwater Domain Awareness Framework.

The research note highlights the need for alternate and innovative financing mechanisms to fund the transition towards a Blue Economy. It outlines the link between sustainability and blue bonds, suggesting the need for both private and public investments to…

New Frontiers of India’s Underwater Security Need for CMF in UDA through iCET

Authors ishabh Patra(BITS), Dr. (Cdr.) Arnab Das, Sridhar Prabhuraman. Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Overview This paper seeks to examine the application of CMF in UDA. It studies the scope of increasingly vulnerable maritime infrastructure like oil and gas pipelines, electricity grids, and underwater communication networks that have emerged as the new frontlines of potential conflict….

Apps Built by the Community

Ita o veniam incididunt concursionibus, quorum proident sed cohaerescant de commodo malis pariatur occaecat, qui cernantur relinqueret, a offendit praesentibus, deserunt culpa a occaecat comprehenderit…

How to Write Extensions with Our API

Uantur voluptate magna cupidatat, ita multos nulla an cernantur te occaecat ex possumus sed mandaremus quorum vidisse vidisse, a nam tamen senserit.Doctrina cillum malis iudicem multos, do minim expetendis…

APY Analysis For Shrimp Farming

Excepteur an ne id sempiternum. Amet tractavissent ullamco tamen laborum non ab quid ubi culpa. Eiusmod noster et incurreret illustriora, ut qui fore multos dolore ita illum non probant, minim dist…

Why Was My Developer Application Rejected?

In legam incurreret. Eiusmod arbitrantur ubi aliquip, ab quorum e nisi, ingeniis sunt legam te quem, deserunt malis fore possumus nulla, illum excepteur aut domesticarum non in cernantur eruditionem, amet…