Author: admin.mrc

Mapping Snapping Shrimp Noise In The Indian Ocean Region: Impact On Sonar.

The Project discusses the impact of snapping shrimp on sonar systems in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). Snapping shrimp are a major source of high-frequency noise in the ocean and their activities and habitation in shallow waters…

Low Frequency Shipping Ambient Noise Mapping For Passive Sonar Simulator.

The research note talks about an ingenious Passive Sonar Simulator (PSS) that the authors aim to develop using real time data inputs will be a critical tool for fulfilling our audacious objectives. The research note suggests that the complex tropical littoral waters of the Indian Ocean Region provide us with challenges to…

AUV Design And Development To Validate Low Ambient Frquency Noise.

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are self-propelled, unmanned underwater vehicles that can perform tasks with little or no human supervision. They are used for ocean-based research, such as mapping the seafloor, studying ocean properties, and measuring ambient noise…

AUV Design and Development for Deep Sea Mining (Polymetallic Nodules)

This Paper will provide information about underwater robot technology and its application for the mining process in the deep sea ocean.This article first discusses why polymetric…

Sediment Management For The Brahmaputra River.

This research note highlights the existing issues related to the sedimentation problem in one of the largest rivers in India, i.e. the Brahmaputra River. It draws attention to various issues related to the river and how the gaps in the existing policies are causing a problem in resolving…

Underwater Search And Recovery: A Reference To Develop A Regulatory Framework For The Indian Ocean Region.

This research note discusses the growing significance of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and the need for enhanced underwater search and recovery (UWSAR) capabilities. The Indian Ocean Region is a critical area for international energy…

Underwater Search And Recovery Its Present Level Of Technology.

This research note talks about underwater search and recovery which refers to the investigation, rescue, and salvage of objects with high value (eg. aircraft black boxes, underwater vehicles, and crashed vehicles) that…

Underwater Channel Modelling-3D Aspect In The Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

The science of production, transmission, reception, and utilization of sound in the sea is called…

Mathematical Study On Underwater Channel Modelling In Indian Ocean Region.

Underwater acoustics is the study of the propagation of sound in water and the interaction of the…

Inland Waterways Aids To Navigation Using Sediment Prediction.

This research note assesses the potential of Inland water transportation in India and various advantages associated with it. It highlights the ‘sediment levels predictions’ as a promising technique to make our water more navigable. It suggests…